Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Author spotlight with Jennifer Galuska (Over)

Jennifer has generously offered to give away one free ebook copy of A Kiss for Emily! Comment to win!

K.T.  Hello and welcome. I am very excited to have you here today. Why don’t we start off with a small introduction? Tell us a little about yourself.  

J.G. I come from the land of 10,000 Lakes, the Mall of America, and the world famous Mayo Clinic. My favorite place to visit is the North Shore, but only in the summer months, which can still be colder than the winter months for some southern cities.

K.T.  Any interesting writing quirks or stories you would like to share with my readers?

J.G. It just so happens that I started writing as a result of a bad situation. Early on in 2009, I got hurt at work and was forced into unemployment. If you recall, the US job market had recently taken a deep plunge. Not one to just sit around and do nothing, I decided to try my hand at writing.

K.T.  When did you realize you wanted to be a writer? What sparked the desire to pen your first novel?

J.G. When I first sat down at my computer, I had no idea what kind of a story to write, except that it'd be for young adults. I spent a couple weeks starting various stories that only went as far as the trash. Then one day my husband came home and he asked me about my day. I was so excited to tell him, "I found it."

K.T.  What would you say has inspired you most in your writing career?

J.G. This is a hard question, and to answer it, I suppose I need to do some explaining first. I rely heavily on God for guidance in life, and therefore, I suppose I should be surprised by how the right people have showed up in my life just at the right time...from forming a writer's group to designing my book cover. It's really been quite amazing.

K.T.  What does your family think of your writing?

J.G. Of course they are very proud of me, and now the book is out, my family looks at me differently too. Not in respect or adoration so much, but rather in dollar signs. My kids want long vacations on sandy beaches and my husband dreams of quitting work.

K.T.  Can you tell us a little about your novel(s)? 

J.G. So, now that I've told you that I'm a strong believer in God, it may come as a surprise that I've written a paranormal ghost story. I'm not here to say what is wrong or what is right. I'm just here because I have a story to tell - and I keep it pretty mainstream. 
A Kiss for Emily is about a love story that's gone awry; kinda like Twilight meets A Series of Unfortunate Events. My tag line goes a follows: Emily never thought that falling in love would put her smack dab in the middle of chaos. Or have her question her sanity. When strange occurrences turn unbelievable, it becomes a race against time to save her from none other than the good-guys.
My book is different from other YA novels because the members in the main family actually like each other. I keep the real dysfunction for the bad-guys. I think this style also makes this book enjoyable for a broader market than just YA.  

K.T.  Where can we find your novels?

J.G. A Kiss for Emily is available from both B&N and Amazon

K.T.  Do you have a website, fan site, or Blog that we can visit?

J.G. I belong to several places out in cyber land and I'd love for you to stop by, check them out and leave a comment! Don't forget to Like IT 
My Facebook author page - J P Galuska
My website - jpgaluska.com
My blog - jpglauska@blogspot.com
Twitter - @JGaluska

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