K.T. Hello and welcome. I am very excited to have you here today. Why don’t we start off with a small introduction? Tell us a little about yourself.
S.W. I'm originally from the mid-west US but moved down to the south-east. I'm a writer at heart and feel will always be. I love anything horror, movies, reading, gaming, anime and of course spending time with my husband, two girls, and four cats.
When I'm not writing, I'm busy home schooling my two girls, being an animal activist and getting absorbed into my movie collection.
K.T. Any interesting writing quirks or stories you would like to share with my readers?
S.W. When I had first submitted my first manuscript out I got a rejection letter. Well, you get those every so often. However, with this one I got a flyer with it advertising one of their books on how to write novels.
K.T. When did you realize you wanted to be a writer? What sparked the desire to pen your first novel?
S.W. When I was 11 years old I just started writing horror poetry as a way to deal with things going on with my life. From there went on to short stories, screenplays ect. My first time wanting to write something close to a novel, a novella, came when I was in Nanowrite and wanted to see if I could write a 50,000 word manuscript. I did, but it was cut way down to novella size. That experience taught me a lot and I still do nanowrite every Nov.
K.S. What genre do you write?
S.W. I write a lot of horror, but write all over, mystery, thriller, suspense, science fiction. I also dabble into screenplays and stage plays as well as other formats in the writing area that fit nicely with those genres listed above.
K.S. What would you say has inspired you most in your writing career?
S.W. Situations I deal with, strong emotional ones of either good or bad. These situations somehow get into my writing. Sarcasm is a big thing that sometimes dips into my writing.
K.S. What does your family think of your writing?
S.W. My husband is very supportive and my two daughters, well, one of them has become a little horror freak already. I feel my family is very important, without their support I could not do what I do.
K.S. What was one of the most surprising things you learned while creating your book?
S.W. I think for me it was dealing with zombies in a different way than the norm. They had to fit into society as humans would.
K.S. Can you tell us a little about your novel?
S.W. Dead Practices is about a lawyer named Jerrod. But not just any lawyer, he's a zombie, but not just any zombie, 'a zombie citizen'. There was a solution set forth where zombies could be fit into society without any munching and crunching going on. What happens is someone wants to put the zombies back to the way they were, that someone happens to be one of Jerrod's clients. So he and his buddy named Rusty who is a cop and also a zombie, go on an adventure to stop this madman. On the way there is humor, gore, zombies and a lot of super-glue.
It is expected to be released in ebook and print on sonar4publications.com and other online retail stores.
K.S. Where can we find your novels?
S.W. My books can be found at sonar4publications.com , Amazon, Barnes and Nobles online and other online stores, plus Local Heroes comic store in Hampton Roads, VA.
K.S. Do you have a website, fan site, or Blog that we can visit?
S.W. Yes, my personal writing site is www.shellswalter.com I'm on face book, MySpace, and a few other online groups.
K.S. Do you have any closing advice to aspiring writers?
S.W. To keep writing for yourself, to of course improve your writing, but to never forget the passion or the reasons you started to write. At times we forget this and when that happens we end up giving up part of ourselves that we can't get back.